Next Gen Portfolio Management Software For Private Equity

Smart. Agile. Collaborative.

Planr Is A Force Multiplier For
Investment Teams & Financial Operations

Planr is not just a tool; it’s a smart AI platform to drive value creation in private equity portfolio companies. The platform transforms data overload into strategic insights, helping you identify what’s happening, pinpoint what’s at risk, and expose the underlying challenges affecting your portcos ability to maximise their value.

Value Creation: Digital transformation In Private Equity Portfolio Management Starts with data centralisation

Within an hour Planr can be implemented into your portco so you can view key financial data effortlessly, enabling a unified view of your portfolio. Experience the power of automated data flows without manual overheads transforming the process of data collection and increasing insights across your portfolio.

Make Unwelcome Surprises A Things Of The Past

Once you have established the as is view on current trading in Stage 1, Planr plugs into your CRM within one hour unlocking a forward-looking perspective on your portfolio’s performance. Dive into sales forecasts with Planr’s unique ability to rev rec bookings across multiple revenue types. View revenue projections of current bookings forecast which, combined with existing financial data craft detailed future-looking forecasts of portco performance.

An objective AI Driven view of your portfolio’s Future financial performance

It has been said that Planr is like having “someone with an IQ of 300 constantly looking at our portcos data.” Utilize Planr’s advanced algorithms and machine learning across your portfolio to maximise value creation by identifying opportunities, anticipating challenges, and providing an alternative data-driven objective view of future company performance.  

Rapid Deployment

Nobody wants another 6 month project to improve their private equity portfolio management. Use Planr’s suite of integrations to plug into portco data within 1 hour.

Private Equity Portfolio Management Platform

Wave Goodbye To Data Silos

Whether you’re looking to report on a single set of financials or get a streamlined view on multiple CRMs post acquisition, our AI-enhanced integrations normalize and process data, delivering a single source within a matter of hours.

Industry Awards

Some recent industry accolades for our private equity portfolio management platform.

record THE PAST, predict Your FUTURE.

Planr’s Intelligent Data Cloud gives a forward-looking view of projections for bookings, revenue and cash in your portfolio as well as traditional portfolio monitoring giving a clear view as to what has happened. 

Private Equity Portfolio Management Platform


Streamline data collection from multiple sources across your portfolio using our suite of pre-built integrations.

re-write the playbook. disrupt the norm.

One platform for investment, value creation, and finance teams to collaborate with consistent and trusted data.

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