Export. Customize. Automate.

Instant LP Reporting

One-click LP Reporting

Despite the high level of automation, Planr ensures that you remain in the driver’s seat with full control over every aspect of your reporting. You can customize templates to fit your specific reporting needs and preferences without losing the benefits of automation. 

Additionally, you have the flexibility to choose exactly when to release information, allowing you to manage the timing of your communications strategically. This feature puts you in complete command of how and when your data is shared with stakeholders, enhancing your ability to make timely and informed decisions.

Private Equity Portfolio Management Platform

Avoid Manual Errors

Manual data entry is not only tedious but also prone to errors, which can compromise the integrity of your reports and decision-making processes. Planr’s automated data integration eliminates the risk of human error by dynamically linking your data sources directly to your reports.

All systems across your portfolio companies are seamlessly integrated, ensuring that updates occur in real time and are automatically reflected in your documents. This integration provides you with the most current and accurate data at your fingertips, resulting in fewer corrections, less time spent on revisions, and more confidence in the reliability of your information.

Maintain Full Control

Despite the high level of automation, Planr ensures that you remain in the driver’s seat with full control over every aspect of your reporting. You can customize templates to fit your specific reporting needs and preferences without losing the benefits of automation. 

Additionally, you have the flexibility to choose exactly when to release information, allowing you to manage the timing of your communications strategically. This feature puts you in complete command of how and when your data is shared with stakeholders, enhancing your ability to make timely and informed decisions.