Due diligence

A Rapid, Objective View On Prospective Investments

Get A Baseline within Hours

Dive into extensive data from diverse sources, extracting vital insights, and uncovering unprecedented opportunities and risks. With an objective, scientific perspective on future performance, make investment decisions confidently, armed with knowledge like never before. Save time, minimize risks, and maximize returns with due diligence powered by Planr.

Forecast Accuracy
(Bookings, Revenue & Cash)

Dynamically Validate Conversion Rates

Quantify Pushed Deals

Assess Sales Team Performance

Scenario Model & Plan Use Cases

Discuss Key Deals, Verticals & Customers

Pipeline Analysis
(Coverage, Changes & Source)

Early-warning Triggers

Rapid Deployment

Say Goodbye To Data Silos

Effortlessly consolidate company data within minutes from across all business systems including accounting, CRM, ERP, HR, BI and of course, spreadsheets.

With zero interuption to current business flow, conduct due diligence exactly as you would before while Planr stays connected in the background alerting you to any changes. 

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Joe Bloggs

Managing director

Save 100s Of Hours On Due Diligence

Connecting company data across CRM, Finance, ERP, and HR systems, Planr will assess and predict the future success of a company’s financial performance – revenue prediction, AI-driven insights and real-time trading at your fingertips.

In your demo, we'll show you how to;

...plus much more.

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